We hope that this website finds you well.
The goal of this website is to give you access to lots of resources located all in one spot. We want it to be easy for you to find things. There will also just be some fun stuff, ideas for experiential learning at home, and tutorials for both students and parents. Come back often for updates!!
Search our library collection by clicking the image below:
Dear Parents!
Our School has a subscription to TumbleBookLibrary, and your family can access it from home! It's unlimited, and it's FREE for you to use from home!
TumbleBookLibrary is an online collection of e-books for children. They are a great way to encourage tech-savvy kids to enjoy reading!
There are over 250 animated, talking picture books! The site also features Spanish and French books, read-along chapter books, non-fiction books, quizzes, and exciting games and puzzles!
Search our SCDSB eBook collection by clicking the image below:
eBook and Audio Collection Information
(If Using A Computer Click HT Image Below)
For Handheld Devices Click Icon Below:
APPs to Install on Apple and Android Products Below that can be used to Access our Collection:
Beautiful Renovation - click here to see a virtual tour of our amazing library